>>The change in vent windows seems to have happened somewhere between 87 and
>>90. Our 87 has the good kind of vent windows, and our = 90 doesn't.

>Our '87 has the "bad kind" of vent (i.e. = doesn't rotate 180 degrees)
Michael J. Sullivan
'87 GL Syncro = Westfalia

My 87 Westfalia VanagonGL Syncro..... Dog Legs (side vent windows) turn = out & forward maybe 145 degrees... enough to scoop up those BIG bugs, like = wasps and dump then in your lap.... because the GL has the larger heated = mirrors... the side vent windows, if pushed all the way forward, tend to slip back = until they fall into the wind shadow of the mirrors and the mirrors act as = leading edges, scooping an even larger area.... and yes more Bugs....But Personally I = can't stand the noise level.... drowns out the stereo... but if I lived in = S.A. or Texas and didn't have A/C... I'd make some sort of stick to hold them forward...First time I drove thru Death Valley.... it was 120f... the = wind burned your arm if  held out the window..... we had jugs full of = water in the back of my Ghia...  just in our shorts and pouring water on ourselves....when we got to the other side, we had emptied all the = jugs and the car seats were dry.....(you bet the cooler was emptied = ;^)
87 Westy SyncroGL.....Cynosure (slip&drip)