Budd Premack wrote:


 The imminence (eminence, perhaps?) of changing List Administrators has gotten me thinking about the neglected issue of membership status. We all know that a Sniveling Lurker is a status that can be eradicated by one's own actions, i.e. public posting to the List. There also seems to be a consensus that we all started as Newbies.  Whether or not we were List members then is irrelevant.  As we became involved with our vans, we grew out of that stage. However, an issue that I have not seen raised here is whether there are any other quasi-official designations.  Do we have any List Gurus, Honored Contributors, Venerable Vanagoneers, or are we all simply Members?  Do we have a hierarchy?  Should we? If so, how does one achieve the various levels?  Who should make these critical decisions?  Do we need rules or bylaws?  Should we have elected delegates or hold a town meeting?  How is the ruling class to be held responsible to the masses?  What about discipline?  Should there be virtual police? Fellow Listees, what are your thoughts? Budd Premack
86 Syncro, 73 Super
Minneapolis, MN (Land of Sky-Blue Waters)

Of course, Syncro drivers, like me, are Syncronauts,     if you have a Westy, maybe a Westfalian,     a Multivan owner, maybe a multi-personality???     Weekender owner, the guy that is always looking for the weekend,      Adventurewagen, adventure-sick owners,     D'cab, carry both family and loot,       S'cab, carry loot only (maybe Santa would want a Audi 5 powered S'cab???),      16", dont start that little brain of yours,    As you can see, The list is endless. What would be on top? Well, what about a Syncro 16" Westy Adwenturewagen Doublecab with an Audi 5T, SA built and goldplated????     Somebody needs help, namely me :-O

88 Syncro