but why did audi pull the 5cyl TD out of the US market
>in = '83 if it was such a good car??
>no flames, im just not a diesel fan.
Mainly because the = interest in diesel engines in the US had dropped off drastically...this same 5 cyl = diesel is still in use today in Germany and is known to be a very durable = motor.  The problem is, just like with Vanagons, they need to be properly maintained!!!!  Something people here = aren't well know for.  When diesels were becoming popular here, most people = bought them because it used less fuel (and gasoline prices were skyrocketing) but = were misled into thinking that there was no maintenance needed because = someone may have told them that diesels don't need tune-ups.
Just my = opinion....
Karl Batzler
84 Vanagon
87 Audi 5000 S