All I have left of my 10+ years of Vanagon Syncro ownership is a roof rack & locking ski attachment.  I would like to sell these "as one".  They are dealer items "Votex".  If anyone is interested, please make an offer.  If you visit our (scant) website you can view the brochure pictures.  When standing on the floor the bars measure 9 5/8" clearance and are 65" long.  F.Y.I. the current list price for just the ski attachment from the dealer is $146.00 (which, I quess, doesn't mean a whole lot since dealer prices are sooo inflated).  The dealer didn't have a current price on the rack itself.

We also posted a bike rack which we used on our Vanagon.  We reinforced the rear hatch door (internally) to prevent any damage from the weight of 4 mountain bikes over many miles.  It worked great for us.  This rack can be used with many vehicles.  We used homemade velcro strapping and foam separators for additional protection.

PLEASE NOTE! - You will see prices listed on the website.  If I knew how to take them off I would.  At this time, I would like to know if there are any interest parties from the list and find out what would be a fair price.

p.s. - I didn't know that it was "Grateful Dead" bears we had copied to our website.  I just thought they were cute and asked my computer literate half to put them on our web page (not that I have anything against the "Grateful Dead").  To tell you the truth. I don't know their music.  Feedback received from some parties who visited our web page when viewing our Vanagon for sale photos has prompted me to want to disclose this.

Lynnda Vlach