"Steven X. Schwenk" wrote:

Bob...i'm not sure where you get this idea that california is a liberal
state.  We've had republican govenors for the last 16 years, including rambo
ronnie and pissed-of-pete...we execute as many prisoners as anyone...and
kill more in prison "accidentally" than any other state.  We lock more
people up than nearly any other place on earth.  We passed prop. 187
outlawing affirmative action, and the other prop. stripping all benefits
from illegal imigrants, inclding pregnant women and children.  We no longer
waste money educating our kids (we're near the bottom on every list) and
spend it instead on prisons and cops.  Our attorney general refused to sue
the tobacco companies, was a rabid pro-liffer and refused to enforce gun
control laws.  We don't pay time and a half till you've worked over 40
hours.  In this state, with three strikes and you're out, there are hundreds
doing life for the crime of stealing food or beer from convenience stores.
Most of the towns are redder than anywhere i've been.  the only liberal outp
posts are san francisco bay area, LA and some northern counties.   The only
good news for us liberals and commies is that we just elected a democratic
gov, atty general, and legislature. for the first time in decades!

As far as the copyright issues with your fine work on the Bentley manual,
sounds like fair use to me!  :-).  Bentley does not have an electronic
version we can buy so what are we supposed to do?  But then again, look what
they did to the prez for getting a little R&R in the oval office.  I applaud
your desire to share Bentley's  knowledge with everyone...but better be
careful... you don't want to go the way of your friend who over did it with
the grain.

"Robert A. Alexander" wrote:

> Steve - With all this "copyright" stuff on the List, does this mean that
> I have wasted my time in completely copying, on my flatbed scanner, the
> entire Bentley 1980 - 1991 repair manual, with the intentions of making
> it available on the List???  I realize that such copying can continue to
> serve my personal purposes, but I had intended on it becoming available
> to those who had no access to such.
> I've been reading these notes and it sems that owners of funky OLD VW
> vans are capable of becoming upset that someone has actually had the
> GONADS to post a pic of said vans on some webpage showing us a variety
> of VW Vans, and it IS SCARY!!!
> As some have said, "as California goes, the Republic goes", SO I need
> good legal advice from a practicing attorney from the People's Republic
> of California (PRC) as to what to expect if I offer these delightful
> pages from the Bentley on the List.
> Uh, IF I send someone a scanned page from the Bentley, privately, whose
> to know?
> '85GL - "Bourgeois"