I washed mine with a rug cleaner with stain = guard using the upholstery = attachment.  I also spot clean using Windex = or other window cleaner that has ammonia in it.  This takes = anything that has stained the carpet upholstery right out.  =

><><><><><><><&= gt;<><><><><><><><><&= gt;<><><><>J
Phillip = 87 Westy-----Original Message-----
From:   Joe Lucca [mailto:JLucca8410@AOL.COM]=
Sent:   Saturday, February 13, 1999 1:49 PM
To:     vanagon@GERRY.VANAGON.COM
Subject:       = Rear Cushion Cleaning

what's the best way to wash the liner = that covers the rear hatch cushion?


1986 vanagon