I've steam cleaned my carpets. they looked great for a few days, then the stains slowly returned. I found that on the upholstery, if you use bleach in a spray bottle (found this out by spilling a bottle of bleach on the bench), the fabric returns to it's like new brightness. I imagine it's because of the amount of polyester (or fibers other than cotton) that it doesn't bleach out to white. I've only done this on the rear bench.



Phillip Bouton wrote:


I washed mine with a rug cleaner with stain guard using the upholstery attachment.  I also spot clean using Windex or other window cleaner that has ammonia in it.  This takes anything that has stained the carpet upholstery right out.

Phillip 87 Westy-----Original Message-----
From:   Joe Lucca [mailto:JLucca8410@AOL.COM]
Sent:   Saturday, February 13, 1999 1:49 PM
To:     vanagon@GERRY.VANAGON.COM
Subject:        Rear Cushion Cleaning

what's the best way to wash the liner that covers the rear hatch cushion?


1986 vanagon