hello = list,
  i was wondering = if anyone might have some insight into the pros and cons of a motor and tranny = replacement versus rebuild.  does it make more sense to rebuild ones own engine = or try and find a strong used, or rebuilt one? also, is there anyone anywhere = that has syncro transmissions for sale, or again does it make more sense to keep = what you have and rebuild it? i am inclined to rebuild what i have, because then = one would know what was inside, but are there better = alternatives?
curious in = mass,
p.s. anyone know of a = syncro that was wrecked in the front, with a good motor/tranny?
p.p.s. it seems to me = that the big problem with syncro's is that if/when the driveshaft gets a wobble in = it, it starts to beat the motor and tranny to death, does this sound right?