The issue of carrying a firearm is very personal.  There = are over 30 states
that have "shall - issue" concealed carry laws = now.  The idea being that a
law - abiding citizen shall not be denied the = right to "keep and bear arms".
That means that in those states a = check is done on the applicant and the
request is approved if there is no = criminal record.

The fact remains that many folks carry without a permit = in those states as
well as others.  Many consider the = "registration" that goes along with the
permit is an infringement on their liberty.

The criminal element is not so concerned with the laws = governing weapons.
You, as a law - abiding citizen need to be.  So the = best thing to do is look
at your route and get a brief on the laws of the states = you will encounter.
You will find that most places allow transportation = of firearms with certain
provisions, some with no = restrictions.

The bottom line is that if you are going to carry a handgun as you = travel
you need to know the laws of the states that you will cross (and in = some
cases the counties and cities).  The laws are many and varied.  You can't
rely on a phone call to a police station or a lawyer, because = they probably
don't know the laws themselves.  This may seem like a = fruitless pursuit, but
the fact remains that if you choose to carry a gun as = you travel you will
probably break some laws.  So, is the changing law = issue or the self
protection issue the more important to you?

In a lethal encounter, as a woman, you will normally be "outgunned' by bad
guys.  The most effective way to neutralize a violent = encounter is with a
firearm, properly presented.  The knowledge of the = presence of the gun is
normally enough to repel a human predator.  Shots are = fired fewer than 999
out of a thousand times that handguns are used to = defend people.  It is your
decision.  Just fully prepare = yourself.  If you have no training in combat
handgunning or proper carry you are = more likely to make serious mistakes in
situations where you are nervous, = or in a hurry.   You don't want your gun
to fall out of your purse = as you hurry into the Wall Mart to beat closing
time, or forget where you = hid it when you need it.  Training is good.

As far as a stun gun is = concerned, it is a contact weapon.  You have to
touch the = attacker to use it, and that is just too close for comfort.  It is
also = ineffective when applied through heavy clothing, and the target should
be the = torso for the best (safest) result.  A good pepper spray that you
have = been trained on and that is fresh and tested is a better choice.  = Also
have a cell phone with pre - programmed numbers for emergency = services.

book "Safe, not Sorry" by Tanya K. Metaska and  = visit the NRA at this web
address for VERY good resources on personal = protection for women!
God Bless,
Steve Tew

-----Origi= nal Message-----
From: Kari Williams <Karibel@AOL.COM>
To: vanagon@GERRY.VANAGON.COM = <vanagon@GERRY.VANAGON.COM&g= t;
Date: Wednesday, March 31, 1999 4:38 PM
Subject: Mom's USA trip: forget the = gun!
>so what do you all
>think of a stun gun? and do you = have any idea how many times per day my
>coworkers tell me about the = "yosemite 3"? i just refuse to spend my summer
>watching TV inside my = locked house. boring!