Over the past = few months....I replaced the boot off the air flow meter which stopped the = van from stalling in the intersections.
I replaced the 02 & Coolant Temp Sensor. Mileage = doubled  instantly. 
The bus runs smooth but the = mileage is rotten ...again...
  100 miles a = tank!!!
Classes start = up again next Monday, and with the gas prices $24.75 at last fill up, I won't be able = to stay in college... Yikes!
Please help if = you can.  
What would you = suggest to look for now?
          &nbs= p;            = ;            =             &= nbsp;           &n= bsp;           &nb= sp;           &nbs= p;            = ;       MtnGal
Bronze, 7 passenger 84 Vanagon GL [PPL-MVR]
Today, I can = cry because roses have thorns, or....I can
celebrate that thorns have roses.