    Before I bought my van I didn't = even know they made 'vans' without radiators. I only knew about the = VW-BUGS.
    Mine is a water cooled, but the = guy who I bought it from thought it was air cooled.  I = found out by running the vin number, then told him. In frustration he said if it = has water I'll sell it to you for..$
AND HE HONORED HIS WORD!! That was how I got it... So you never know what you'll run into.  =
   The listee's posted a scavenger type of = list addressed to me.  Things to look for like the = brake reservoir/fill tank. Wiper tank refill, Battery, rear heater does it or = does it not have one?  Don't quote me on exactly what that list was but, I = was beside myself trying to figure out what to think about it all.  I'm = sure someone had a ball with me...lol
    I've come a long way since then.  I'm even = taking Auto Mechanics, and Auto Electronics, so you know I went through the gauntlet...lol
           &n= bsp;    Funny now I think of it...
    Good things do come out of trials...
    I've come a L-O-N-G  WA-Y  = B-A-B-Y  :0)
    And thanks to them I'm gaining strenght.
Don't be shy about your posts, if some old timer treats you like = you should know better it's because he get 50-150 e-mail a day on this topic for = months on end....
     They're sometimes a little crass, BUT THEY = ARE A GOOD BUNCH OF PEOPLE. :0)   You might have to blow off some of = their comments and ask again. At some point they'll/someone will realize you = are serious and you'll get a proper response.
    Another thing Mike don't start = spending alot of money swapping everything because you are getting frustrated = trying to get it fixed, thinking you have to buy those local boys, high priced parts...
Word of wisdom:
Price everything from more then one place...
 I'm telling you now, Get = that manual! What a dream book for these vehicles.
    **Get some di-electric = gell and add it to all your electrical contacts. It a best kept secret for = electronics techs and I use it on many projects even my van...  It has saved me = lots of money I'm sure....
I posted it to the listee's and the old timers never made a comment = one way or the other, But I bet they're thinking about using it = now...lol... 
Another word of warning!!
    At some point: You'll fall in love with your van = and be sick if you are forced to sell it (providing you can get though the early adjustment period) it's just like anything else you buy... = new or used.
    Gee, I'm getting wordy here... ;0)
           &n= bsp;           &nb= sp;  Good luck, Mtngal