HELLO!!my name is Mitch,i live in toronto,ontario,own 78 westfalia with 2000cc/1980 cv....... engine (supposly-15000ml on it).i have apparent problems which have have = developed just latly.1) engine idles fine-when cold ;as soon as it gets warm(65 deg oil = temp.)starts to rough idle and finily dies.2)-very little oil leak = between engine and transmission(one drop a day)i am planning a long trip = (20000km)to newfoundland and labrador-should i take care of it or just = ignore?
3)what timing would you recommend = foe cv....2000cc engine(aircooled)i have confusing information:7.5btdc or 5atdc.
my email;mitchpec@hotmail.com,or call = collect at (416)745 5531
ps.a)i would appreciate you advice = or comments very much-i am stuck.
b)i changed;points,sparkplug = wires,fuel filter was chaned 2 years ago.Mitch.....