Re: Eurovan Weekender Westfalia Conversion   8/19/99

Will = do....I'm a teacher, back at school (2nd = day). Over the summer all of our computers = were moved for cleaning and the server was = changed. I had this same problem last fall = but got it fixed. Unfortunately, I don't = remember what we did. Please be patient.....I'm = working on it but I'm no computer wiz :-) =
P.S. I'm changing this to a 14 = pt. font. Hopefully it will help

David Beierl wrote:
>At = 13:55 8/19/99 -0500, Jim Fritz wrote:
>>* = God put me on this earth to accomplish a = certain number of things.
>>Right = now I am so far behind, I will live forever.
>Did = God give you teeny little eyes? That is = the smallest print I've come
>across = in some time - perhaps you might turn off = HTML when sending to the list?