Bentley outlines three techniques for = adjusting the ignition timing on p.28.42
(I miss the old test-lamp = proceedure for the type 2)
1. Disconnect temp sender and using VW = tester 1367, check timing at 2k-2500rpm :-(
2. Adjustment with TDC marker. Ignition = timing displayed directly on testor :-(
3. Adjustment with timing light. Notch = on pulley lines up with notch on case. :-)
I am using No.3.
Do I still disconnect the temp = sender?
Do I still check at = 2000-2500rpm
Does anyone have an idea for sourcing = power for my timing light within the engine bay to save me running it all the way = forward to the battery.
In relation to my washing/starting = problem, all is well today. Just needed a thorough drying (3 days)
Will be looking for possible vacuum = leaks in the air intake system (whispy white smoke)
The fact that my hall sender plug was = snapped at the base probably meant that I drowned the inside of the distributor. = This would definately cause the majority of the problems I had. I will never attach/disattach this plug again without firmly clasping the base for = support. Nothing like a good clean to find a few hidden problems