Date: Fri, 9 Jun 2000 07:19:39 -0400
Reply-To: Jonc <jonc@WEBGEARS.COM>
Sender: Vanagon Mailing List <>
From: Jonc <jonc@WEBGEARS.COM>
Subject: how do we avoid blow dried preditors while traveling
Content-Type: multipart/alternative;
Our Fellow list member from Savannah's post about being ripped off for nearly 3 grand while trying to get from Savannah to Orlando a journey of 300 odd miles.. If it costs a 100 a mile to own a Westy they are too expensive ... we know with a little luck and the grace of the greater we can do it cheaper than that and keep on trucking...
I am trying to increase the odds of getting a fair shake for on the road mechanical repairs... I am not totally helpless and have owned my 85 Westy since its birth in Germany... I picked it up in Manheim and have been driving it ever since... I have also put much more money into repairs to the Westfalia than it cost new.... big learning curve.. it got better after ten years of getting slaughtered by smiley faced mechanical burglars .. it is still not a sure thing... I have gotten better but the burglars that still occasionally get me are very very good at their nefarious trade...
I am attempting to create a list of recommended VW mechanics from coast ... I am using the recommendations of known mechanics for other mechanics ... one they would send their mothers to.. and recommendations from VW owners who have had positive experiences ... the longer the experience with the mechanic the better... Of you break down in Florid or Vermont where I have been known to hangout and email me I can give you a list of burn proof mechanics ... There are not enough yet to get free of big towing bills... I would like to change that...
My intention is to get recommendations from everyone generous enough to make them and post them in the Mechanics forum on I will eventually fact check every recommendation in the interest of avoiding 4000 degree email... but the forum is now in progress and being to... I moderate that forum and if you have a bitch it is my fault... My email is linked to the forum...
If any of you feel that this is a useful enterprise and have recommendations that you swear by and not at... please advise