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Date:         Tue, 21 Nov 2000 11:37:47 -0700
Reply-To:     John Klun <jklun@GJ.NET>
Sender:       Vanagon Mailing List <>
From:         John Klun <jklun@GJ.NET>
Subject:      Serious Virus (Worm) Alert
Comments: To: "Clinton, Judy" <>,
          "Couture-White, Patrice" <>,
          "Earle, Frances" <>,
          "Girard, Lynn" <>,
          "Hill, Sr. Melinda" <>,
          "Houston, Gisele" <>,
          "King, Martin" <>,
          "Letendre, James" <>,
          "Moran, James" <>,
          "Pallein, Charleen" <>,
          "Palmer, John" <>,
          "Peloquin, Paul" <>,
          "Pope, Dennis" <>,
          "Robillard, Shirley" <>,
          "Shurtleff, Claire" <>,
          "Tetreault, Andrew" <>,
          "Valliere, Donald" <>,
          "Whitcomb, Beverly" <>,
          Adele Leighton <>,
          Andrew Tetreault <>,
          Andrewk <>,
          Anthony Forgetta <>,
          "Barbara L. Chagnon" <>,
          Barbara Morgan <>,
          Barbara Morgan <>, Becky Havens <>,
          Beth Wallace <>,
          Bill Homeyer <>,
          Bill Moore <>,
          Bruce/Sue Clark <>, Candy Wiza <>,
          Chris Caccia <>,
          Cindy Hatton <>, Clair Baldwin <>,
          john <>, monty groff <>,
          richard jones <>,
          jon kanas <>,
          mark williamson <>,
          Rawls Moore <>, Dan Reust <>,
          David Steelman <>,
          Debbie Gilman <>,
          Debra Howland <>,
          Denise Fisher <>,
          Denise Robson <>,
          Diane Bateman <>,
          Dianne Kimball <>,
          Donald Valliere <>,
          Doreen Cawley <>,
          Eileen Hadley <>,
          Ernest Wilcox <>,
          "Frohardt, Rich" <>,
          Gail LeBlanc <>,
          George Keefe <>, hc <>,
          Henry Bergeron <>,
          "Jack, Susan & Britni Klun" <>,
          Jane McClung <>,
          "Jeanne Duford, MS" <>,
          Jeannette McArthur <>,
          Jen Cawley <>,
          Jill Jones <>,
          Jim Thyng <>, Joan Dinan <>,
          Jody Carmody <>,
          Joe Klun <>,
          "John (Terry) Bell" <>,
          John Forrestall <>,
          John Hart <>, Josiah Ward <>,
          Judy Moore <>, Kris Rakers <>,
          Linn Downs <>,
          Louis Tranfalia <>,
          Marisa Cawley <>,
          Mark Naylor <>,
          Mary Beth Cassidy <>,
          Mary Jean Newell <>,
          Maryann Lutz <>,
          Paul Baerman <>,
          Paul Tessier <>,
          Paula Bergeron <>,
          Rawls Moore <>, Rich Frohardt <>,
          Rick Marini <>,
          Sandy Deno <>, Sean Butler <>,
          Sharla Raynor <>,
          Steve Mullen <>,
          Susan Blackstock <>,
          Terry Bell <>,
          The Bus Depot <ron@NETCARRIER.COM>, Todd Bohan <>,
          "Tom (ZO) Long" <>,
          Tom Pigeon <>,
          Tony Forgetta <>,
          Wayne Siwik <>
Content-Type: multipart/mixed;



A friend of mine forwarded an e-mail to me that had a subject line regarding FBI secrets and President Clinton (I think). I didn't pay much attention to it but there was a file attached. It was graphics file ending in .jpg.vbs

Please, Please Please- whatever you do , do not try to open this file or any file with that kind of file suffix.

I have paid dearly for this. When you attempt to open this file, it appears that nothing happens. You may see a slight flicker on your screen. You keep clicking on it to try to open it. Again, nothing happens.

What you don't see, is that the program actually runs and seeks to replace all of your .jpg graphics files and pictures with the .jpg.vbs suffix.

Not suspecting a thing, I deleted the e-mail and replied to my friend that I couldn't open the file. Later, I was in Windows Explorer and wanted to open a picture of my horse. I noticed the file now had a .jpg.vbs extension. I also noticed that my other .jpg files had the .jpg.vbs extension. Each time I clicked on it, it would flicker but nothing seemed to happen. I gave up, thinking I must have done something wrong.

I realized something was really wrong when my Netscape program froze as did my entire system. When I rebooted and got back into Netscape, it was as if I was installing it for the first time! Later, my entire screen went a pretty blue, started flickering and then cleared itself. At this point, I decide I'd run my antivirus program on all my drives. See my attached virus_attack.txt file for the results of my damage and for the name of this virus/worm!

This attack has affected my entire system and any file that relies on the .jpg extension or suffix will have been damaged! It also attacks any .vbs files you may have on your system and there are many of them- Windows relies on these .vbs files to run.

Good luck all of you...


InoculateIT Personal Edition Version Started scanning: 4:44:42 PM, 11/20/2000 Major dat file v200 Minor dat file v490 Macro dat file Nov 06 2000 (VMD Ver 1.4)

Scanning memory...

Scanning boot sectors... A:\ Boot Record is OK: standard MSDOS 5.0 (1.44M). C:\ Master Boot Record matches template, is OK: standard Win95 OSR2. C:\ Partition Boot Record matches template, is OK: standard MSWIN 4.1 FAT32. Drive D: is not ready. E:\ Master Boot Record is unknown but seems OK. E:\ Partition Boot Record is unknown but seems OK.

Scanning file(s)... C:\Tax99\Html\full.jpg.vbs was infected with VBS.Plan.a worm, not a virus. Deleted. C:\Tax99\Html\tapbut.jpg.vbs was infected with VBS.Plan.a worm, not a virus. Deleted. C:\Tax99\Html\trlogo.jpg.vbs was infected with VBS.Plan.a worm, not a virus. Deleted. C:\Tax99\Html\trlogo2.jpg.vbs was infected with VBS.Plan.a worm, not a virus. Deleted. C:\Tax99\Html\fmbut.jpg.vbs was infected with VBS.Plan.a worm, not a virus. Deleted. C:\Tax99\Html\intrbut.jpg.vbs was infected with VBS.Plan.a worm, not a virus. Deleted. C:\Tax99\Html\offer1.jpg.vbs was infected with VBS.Plan.a worm, not a virus. Deleted. C:\Tax99\Html\offer2.jpg.vbs was infected with VBS.Plan.a worm, not a virus. Deleted. C:\Tax99\Html\plan1but.jpg.vbs was infected with VBS.Plan.a worm, not a virus. Deleted. C:\Tax99\Html\plan2but.jpg.vbs was infected with VBS.Plan.a worm, not a virus. Deleted. C:\Tax99\Html\tahbut.jpg.vbs was infected with VBS.Plan.a worm, not a virus. Deleted. C:\Tax99\Html\trlogo1.jpg.vbs was infected with VBS.Plan.a worm, not a virus. Deleted. C:\My Download Files\Jazz.jpg.vbs was infected with VBS.Plan.a worm, not a virus. Deleted. C:\My Download Files\irishdaycare.jpg.vbs was infected with VBS.Plan.a worm, not a virus. Deleted. C:\My Download Files\JEDEF.GIF.vbs was infected with VBS.Plan.a worm, not a virus. Deleted. C:\Java_Program_For_Dummies\Applets\Puzzle\eg10.jpg.vbs was infected with VBS.Plan.a worm, not a virus. Deleted. C:\Java_Program_For_Dummies\Applets\Puzzle\eg11.jpg.vbs was infected with VBS.Plan.a worm, not a virus. Deleted. C:\Java_Program_For_Dummies\Applets\Puzzle\eg12.jpg.vbs was infected with VBS.Plan.a worm, not a virus. Deleted. C:\Java_Program_For_Dummies\Applets\Puzzle\eg13.jpg.vbs was infected with VBS.Plan.a worm, not a virus. Deleted. C:\Java_Program_For_Dummies\Applets\Puzzle\eg14.jpg.vbs was infected with VBS.Plan.a worm, not a virus. Deleted. C:\Java_Program_For_Dummies\Applets\Puzzle\eg15.jpg.vbs was infected with VBS.Plan.a worm, not a virus. Deleted. C:\Java_Program_For_Dummies\Applets\Puzzle\eg16.jpg.vbs was infected with VBS.Plan.a worm, not a virus. Deleted. C:\Java_Program_For_Dummies\Applets\Puzzle\eg2.jpg.vbs was infected with VBS.Plan.a worm, not a virus. Deleted. C:\Java_Program_For_Dummies\Applets\Puzzle\eg3.jpg.vbs was infected with VBS.Plan.a worm, not a virus. Deleted. C:\Java_Program_For_Dummies\Applets\Puzzle\eg4.jpg.vbs was infected with VBS.Plan.a worm, not a virus. Deleted. C:\Java_Program_For_Dummies\Applets\Puzzle\eg5.jpg.vbs was infected with VBS.Plan.a worm, not a virus. Deleted. C:\Java_Program_For_Dummies\Applets\Puzzle\eg6.jpg.vbs was infected with VBS.Plan.a worm, not a virus. Deleted. C:\Java_Program_For_Dummies\Applets\Puzzle\eg7.jpg.vbs was infected with VBS.Plan.a worm, not a virus. Deleted. C:\Java_Program_For_Dummies\Applets\Puzzle\eg8.jpg.vbs was infected with VBS.Plan.a worm, not a virus. Deleted. C:\Java_Program_For_Dummies\Applets\Puzzle\eg9.jpg.vbs was infected with VBS.Plan.a worm, not a virus. Deleted. C:\Java_Program_For_Dummies\Applets\Puzzle\eg1.jpg.vbs was infected with VBS.Plan.a worm, not a virus. Deleted. C:\Java_Program_For_Dummies\Applets\Tile\cl1.jpg.vbs was infected with VBS.Plan.a worm, not a virus. Deleted. C:\Java_Program_For_Dummies\Applets\Tile\cl10.jpg.vbs was infected with VBS.Plan.a worm, not a virus. Deleted. C:\Java_Program_For_Dummies\Applets\Tile\cl11.jpg.vbs was infected with VBS.Plan.a worm, not a virus. Deleted. C:\Java_Program_For_Dummies\Applets\Tile\cl12.jpg.vbs was infected with VBS.Plan.a worm, not a virus. Deleted. C:\Java_Program_For_Dummies\Applets\Tile\cl13.jpg.vbs was infected with VBS.Plan.a worm, not a virus. Deleted. C:\Java_Program_For_Dummies\Applets\Tile\cl14.jpg.vbs was infected with VBS.Plan.a worm, not a virus. Deleted. C:\Java_Program_For_Dummies\Applets\Tile\cl15.jpg.vbs was infected with VBS.Plan.a worm, not a virus. Deleted. C:\Java_Program_For_Dummies\Applets\Tile\cl2.jpg.vbs was infected with VBS.Plan.a worm, not a virus. Deleted. C:\Java_Program_For_Dummies\Applets\Tile\cl3.jpg.vbs was infected with VBS.Plan.a worm, not a virus. Deleted. C:\Java_Program_For_Dummies\Applets\Tile\cl4.jpg.vbs was infected with VBS.Plan.a worm, not a virus. Deleted. C:\Java_Program_For_Dummies\Applets\Tile\cl5.jpg.vbs was infected with VBS.Plan.a worm, not a virus. Deleted. C:\Java_Program_For_Dummies\Applets\Tile\cl6.jpg.vbs was infected with VBS.Plan.a worm, not a virus. Deleted. C:\Java_Program_For_Dummies\Applets\Tile\cl7.jpg.vbs was infected with VBS.Plan.a worm, not a virus. Deleted. C:\Java_Program_For_Dummies\Applets\Tile\cl8.jpg.vbs was infected with VBS.Plan.a worm, not a virus. Deleted. C:\Java_Program_For_Dummies\Applets\Tile\cl9.jpg.vbs was infected with VBS.Plan.a worm, not a virus. Deleted. C:\Java_Program_For_Dummies\Applets\Tile\cl0.jpg.vbs was infected with VBS.Plan.a worm, not a virus. Deleted. C:\Program Files\Adobe\Acrobat 4.0\Reader\plug_ins\AcroForm\JavaScripts\Afstrenu.vbs was infected with VBS.Plan.a worm, not a virus. Deleted. C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Stationery\Balloon Party Invitation Bkgrd.jpg.vbs was infected with VBS.Plan.a worm, not a virus. Deleted. C:\Program Files\Netscape\Communicator\Program\NetHelp\CntData.vbs was infected with VBS.Plan.a worm, not a virus. Deleted. C:\Program Files\Netscape\Communicator\Program\NetHelp\CntTool.vbs was infected with VBS.Plan.a worm, not a virus. Deleted. C:\Program Files\Netscape\Communicator\Program\NetHelp\Header.vbs was infected with VBS.Plan.a worm, not a virus. Deleted. C:\Program Files\Netscape\Communicator\Program\NetHelp\IdxData.vbs was infected with VBS.Plan.a worm, not a virus. Deleted. C:\Program Files\Netscape\Communicator\Program\NetHelp\Local-1.vbs was infected with VBS.Plan.a worm, not a virus. Deleted. C:\Program Files\Netscape\Communicator\Program\NetHelp\Stack.vbs was infected with VBS.Plan.a worm, not a virus. Deleted. C:\Program Files\Netscape\Communicator\Program\NetHelp\Netscape\Shared\NetHelpu.vbs was infected with VBS.Plan.a worm, not a virus. Deleted. C:\Program Files\Netscape\Communicator\Program\NetHelp\Netscape\Shared\NetHelpw.vbs was infected with VBS.Plan.a worm, not a virus. Deleted. C:\Program Files\Netscape\Communicator\Program\NetHelp\Netscape\Shared\NetHelpm.vbs was infected with VBS.Plan.a worm, not a virus. Deleted. C:\Program Files\Netscape\Communicator\Program\NetHelp\system.vbs was infected with VBS.Plan.a worm, not a virus. Deleted. C:\Program Files\Netscape\Communicator\Program\NetHelp\Topic.vbs was infected with VBS.Plan.a worm, not a virus. Deleted. C:\Program Files\Netscape\Communicator\Program\NetHelp\Utility.vbs was infected with VBS.Plan.a worm, not a virus. Deleted. C:\Program Files\Netscape\Communicator\Program\NetHelp\Button.vbs was infected with VBS.Plan.a worm, not a virus. Deleted. C:\Program Files\Netscape\Users\jklun\prefs.vbs was infected with VBS.Plan.a worm, not a virus. Deleted. C:\Program Files\Netscape\Users\jklun\liprefs.vbs was infected with VBS.Plan.a worm, not a virus. Deleted. C:\Program Files\Quick View Plus\SAMPLES\SAMPLE.JPG.vbs was infected with VBS.Plan.a worm, not a virus. Deleted. C:\Program Files\Corel\WordPerfect Office 2000\graphics\photos\487071.jpg.vbs was infected with VBS.Plan.a worm, not a virus. Deleted. C:\Program Files\Corel\WordPerfect Office 2000\graphics\photos\487072.jpg.vbs was infected with VBS.Plan.a worm, not a virus. Deleted. C:\Program Files\Corel\WordPerfect Office 2000\graphics\photos\594008.jpg.vbs was infected with VBS.Plan.a worm, not a virus. Deleted. C:\Program Files\Corel\WordPerfect Office 2000\graphics\photos\643047.jpg.vbs was infected with VBS.Plan.a worm, not a virus. Deleted. C:\Program Files\Corel\WordPerfect Office 2000\graphics\photos\677023.jpg.vbs was infected with VBS.Plan.a worm, not a virus. Deleted. C:\Program Files\Corel\WordPerfect Office 2000\graphics\photos\682008.jpg.vbs was infected with VBS.Plan.a worm, not a virus. Deleted. C:\Program Files\Corel\WordPerfect Office 2000\graphics\photos\719024.jpg.vbs was infected with VBS.Plan.a worm, not a virus. Deleted. C:\Program Files\Corel\WordPerfect Office 2000\graphics\photos\719038.jpg.vbs was infected with VBS.Plan.a worm, not a virus. Deleted. C:\Program Files\Corel\WordPerfect Office 2000\graphics\photos\719098.jpg.vbs was infected with VBS.Plan.a worm, not a virus. Deleted. C:\Program Files\Corel\WordPerfect Office 2000\graphics\photos\762000.jpg.vbs was infected with VBS.Plan.a worm, not a virus. Deleted. C:\Program Files\Corel\WordPerfect Office 2000\graphics\photos\845013.jpg.vbs was infected with VBS.Plan.a worm, not a virus. Deleted. C:\Program Files\Corel\WordPerfect Office 2000\graphics\photos\845028.jpg.vbs was infected with VBS.Plan.a worm, not a virus. Deleted. C:\Program Files\Corel\WordPerfect Office 2000\graphics\photos\884008.jpg.vbs was infected with VBS.Plan.a worm, not a virus. Deleted. C:\Program Files\Corel\WordPerfect Office 2000\graphics\photos\884037.jpg.vbs was infected with VBS.Plan.a worm, not a virus. Deleted. C:\Program Files\Corel\WordPerfect Office 2000\graphics\photos\457015.jpg.vbs was infected with VBS.Plan.a worm, not a virus. Deleted. C:\Program Files\Corel\WordPerfect Office 2000\graphics\photos\457030.jpg.vbs was infected with VBS.Plan.a worm, not a virus. Deleted. C:\Program Files\Corel\WordPerfect Office 2000\graphics\photos\577092.jpg.vbs was infected with VBS.Plan.a worm, not a virus. Deleted. C:\Program Files\Corel\WordPerfect Office 2000\graphics\photos\643057.jpg.vbs was infected with VBS.Plan.a worm, not a virus. Deleted. C:\Program Files\Corel\WordPerfect Office 2000\graphics\photos\682097.jpg.vbs was infected with VBS.Plan.a worm, not a virus. Deleted. C:\Program Files\Corel\WordPerfect Office 2000\graphics\photos\719090.jpg.vbs was infected with VBS.Plan.a worm, not a virus. Deleted. C:\Program Files\Corel\WordPerfect Office 2000\graphics\photos\762055.jpg.vbs was infected with VBS.Plan.a worm, not a virus. Deleted. C:\Program Files\Corel\WordPerfect Office 2000\graphics\photos\845058.jpg.vbs was infected with VBS.Plan.a worm, not a virus. Deleted. C:\Program Files\Corel\WordPerfect Office 2000\graphics\photos\888035.jpg.vbs was infected with VBS.Plan.a worm, not a virus. Deleted. C:\Program Files\Corel\WordPerfect Office 2000\trellix_SE\Images\Clipart\WebReady\11.JPG.vbs was infected with VBS.Plan.a worm, not a virus. Deleted. C:\Program Files\Corel\WordPerfect Office 2000\trellix_SE\Images\Clipart\WebReady\14.JPG.vbs was infected with VBS.Plan.a worm, not a virus. Deleted. C:\Program Files\Corel\WordPerfect Office 2000\trellix_SE\Images\Photos\btrfly_1.JPG.vbs was infected with VBS.Plan.a worm, not a virus. Deleted. C:\Program Files\Corel\WordPerfect Office 2000\trellix_SE\Images\Photos\fall_6.JPG.vbs was infected with VBS.Plan.a worm, not a virus. Deleted. C:\Program Files\Corel\WordPerfect Office 2000\trellix_SE\WebGems\Trellix\RealSlideShow\reallogo.jpg.vbs was infected with VBS.Plan.a worm, not a virus. Deleted. C:\Program Files\InoculateIT PE\VIRUSLOG.TXT - unable to open file - not scanned. C:\QUICKENW\HPINVEST\inv_img.jpg.vbs was infected with VBS.Plan.a worm, not a virus. Deleted. C:\QUICKENW\HPPLAN\PLANLINK.JPG.vbs was infected with VBS.Plan.a worm, not a virus. Deleted. C:\QUICKENW\HPPLAN\plan_img.jpg.vbs was infected with VBS.Plan.a worm, not a virus. Deleted. C:\QUICKENW\HPTAX\tax_img.jpg.vbs was infected with VBS.Plan.a worm, not a virus. Deleted. C:\QUICKENW\inet\common\LOCALWEB\IIS\DIA.JPG.vbs was infected with VBS.Plan.a worm, not a virus. Deleted. C:\QUICKENW\inet\common\LOCALWEB\IIS\LIBG.JPG.vbs was infected with VBS.Plan.a worm, not a virus. Deleted. C:\QUICKENW\inet\common\LOCALWEB\IIS\PAP.JPG.vbs was infected with VBS.Plan.a worm, not a virus. Deleted. C:\QUICKENW\inet\common\LOCALWEB\IIS\TB3.JPG.vbs was infected with VBS.Plan.a worm, not a virus. Deleted. C:\QUICKENW\inet\common\PNF\spouse\pnf.vbs was infected with VBS.Plan.a worm, not a virus. Deleted. C:\WEBSHARE\WWWROOT\Mtn_Meadow_Ranch\Girl.jpg.vbs was infected with VBS.Plan.a worm, not a virus. Deleted. C:\WEBSHARE\WWWROOT\Mtn_Meadow_Ranch\Needle_Rocks.jpg.vbs was infected with VBS.Plan.a worm, not a virus. Deleted. C:\WEBSHARE\WWWROOT\Mtn_Meadow_Ranch\2horses.jpg.vbs was infected with VBS.Plan.a worm, not a virus. Deleted. C:\WEBSHARE\WWWROOT\Mtn_Meadow_Ranch\Mtn_Pond.jpg.vbs was infected with VBS.Plan.a worm, not a virus. Deleted. C:\WEBSHARE\WWWROOT\Mtn_Meadow_Ranch\bikes-.jpg.vbs was infected with VBS.Plan.a worm, not a virus. Deleted. C:\WEBSHARE\WWWROOT\Mtn_Meadow_Ranch\blutxtr1.jpg.vbs was infected with VBS.Plan.a worm, not a virus. Deleted. C:\WEBSHARE\WWWROOT\Mtn_Meadow_Ranch\horsea.jpg.vbs was infected with VBS.Plan.a worm, not a virus. Deleted. C:\WEBSHARE\WWWROOT\Mtn_Meadow_Ranch\horseman(1).jpg.vbs was infected with VBS.Plan.a worm, not a virus. Deleted. C:\WEBSHARE\WWWROOT\Mtn_Meadow_Ranch\icybak.jpg.vbs was infected with VBS.Plan.a worm, not a virus. Deleted. C:\WEBSHARE\WWWROOT\Mtn_Meadow_Ranch\running2 (1).JPG.vbs was infected with VBS.Plan.a worm, not a virus. Deleted. C:\WEBSHARE\WWWROOT\Ricochet_Ranch\09.jpg.vbs was infected with VBS.Plan.a worm, not a virus. Deleted. C:\WEBSHARE\WWWROOT\Ricochet_Ranch\01.jpg.vbs was infected with VBS.Plan.a worm, not a virus. Deleted. C:\WEBSHARE\WWWROOT\Ricochet_Ranch\icybak.jpg.vbs was infected with VBS.Plan.a worm, not a virus. Deleted. C:\WEBSHARE\iissamples\homepage\themes\gunmetal\layout.vbs was infected with VBS.Plan.a worm, not a virus. Deleted. C:\WEBSHARE\iissamples\homepage\themes\journal\layout.vbs was infected with VBS.Plan.a worm, not a virus. Deleted. C:\WEBSHARE\iissamples\homepage\themes\looseleaf\layout.vbs was infected with VBS.Plan.a worm, not a virus. Deleted. C:\WINDOWS\Cookies\index.dat - unable to open file - not scanned. C:\WINDOWS\HELP\common\coua.vbs was infected with VBS.Plan.a worm, not a virus. Deleted. C:\WINDOWS\HELP\common\spidie3.vbs was infected with VBS.Plan.a worm, not a virus. Deleted. C:\WINDOWS\HELP\common\spidie4.vbs was infected with VBS.Plan.a worm, not a virus. Deleted. C:\WINDOWS\HELP\common\cocss.vbs was infected with VBS.Plan.a worm, not a virus. Deleted. C:\WINDOWS\HELP\Mts\html\vintdev.JPG.vbs was infected with VBS.Plan.a worm, not a virus. Deleted. C:\WINDOWS\HELP\TSHOOT.vbs was infected with VBS.Plan.a worm, not a virus. Deleted. C:\WINDOWS\History\index.dat - unable to open file - not scanned. C:\WINDOWS\WIN386.SWP - unable to open file - not scanned. C:\WINDOWS\SAMPLES\WSH\CHART.VBS was infected with VBS.Plan.a worm, not a virus. Deleted. C:\WINDOWS\SAMPLES\WSH\EXCEL.VBS was infected with VBS.Plan.a worm, not a virus. Deleted. C:\WINDOWS\SAMPLES\WSH\NETWORK.VBS was infected with VBS.Plan.a worm, not a virus. Deleted. C:\WINDOWS\SAMPLES\WSH\REGISTRY.VBS was infected with VBS.Plan.a worm, not a virus. Deleted. C:\WINDOWS\SAMPLES\WSH\SHORTCUT.VBS was infected with VBS.Plan.a worm, not a virus. Deleted. C:\WINDOWS\SAMPLES\WSH\SHOWVAR.VBS was infected with VBS.Plan.a worm, not a virus. Deleted. C:\WINDOWS\SchedLog.Txt - unable to open file - not scanned. C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM\inetsrv\iisadmin\publish\jsbrowser\JSBrowser.vbs was infected with VBS.Plan.a worm, not a virus. Deleted. C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM\LINUX32.vbs was infected with VBS.Plan.a worm, not a virus. Deleted. C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM\WIBUEU.GIF.vbs was infected with VBS.Plan.a worm, not a virus. Deleted. C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM\US-PRESIDENT-AND-FBI-SECRETS.HTM was infected with HTML.Plan.a worm, not a virus. Deleted. C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM\WUQUS.BMP.vbs was infected with VBS.Plan.a worm, not a virus. Deleted. C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM\NUTIVI.GIF.vbs was infected with VBS.Plan.a worm, not a virus. Deleted. C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM\VIBUDUAI.BMP.vbs was infected with VBS.Plan.a worm, not a virus. Deleted. C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM\IUNEPEM.BMP.vbs was infected with VBS.Plan.a worm, not a virus. Deleted. C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM\OUJILOIU.BMP.vbs was infected with VBS.Plan.a worm, not a virus. Deleted. C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM\LOQUSEP.JPG.vbs was infected with VBS.Plan.a worm, not a virus. Deleted. C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM\SUCOEOBE.GIF.vbs was infected with VBS.Plan.a worm, not a virus. Deleted. C:\WINDOWS\Temporary Internet Files\index.dat - unable to open file - not scanned. C:\WINDOWS\Web\webview.vbs was infected with VBS.Plan.a worm, not a virus. Deleted. C:\WINDOWS\IISLOG.event.log - unable to open file - not scanned. C:\WINDOWS\W3SVC.event.log - unable to open file - not scanned. C:\WINDOWS\reload.vbs was infected with VBS.Plan.a worm, not a virus. Deleted. C:\Web\pond.jpg.vbs was infected with VBS.Plan.a worm, not a virus. Deleted. C:\Web\girl.jpg.vbs was infected with VBS.Plan.a worm, not a virus. Deleted. C:\Web\bikes.jpg.vbs was infected with VBS.Plan.a worm, not a virus. Deleted. C:\Web\horse1.jpg.vbs was infected with VBS.Plan.a worm, not a virus. Deleted. C:\Web\2horses.jpg.vbs was infected with VBS.Plan.a worm, not a virus. Deleted. C:\Web\WWWROOT\Mtn_Meadow_Ranch\Needle_Rocks.jpg.vbs was infected with VBS.Plan.a worm, not a virus. Deleted. C:\Web\WWWROOT\Mtn_Meadow_Ranch\2horses.jpg.vbs was infected with VBS.Plan.a worm, not a virus. Deleted. C:\Web\WWWROOT\Mtn_Meadow_Ranch\icybak.jpg.vbs was infected with VBS.Plan.a worm, not a virus. Deleted. C:\Web\WWWROOT\Mtn_Meadow_Ranch\Girl.jpg.vbs was infected with VBS.Plan.a worm, not a virus. Deleted. C:\Web\WWWROOT\Mtn_Meadow_Ranch\Mtn_Pond.jpg.vbs was infected with VBS.Plan.a worm, not a virus. Deleted. C:\Web\WWWROOT\Mtn_Meadow_Ranch\bikes-.jpg.vbs was infected with VBS.Plan.a worm, not a virus. Deleted. C:\Web\WWWROOT\Mtn_Meadow_Ranch\blutxtr1.jpg.vbs was infected with VBS.Plan.a worm, not a virus. Deleted. C:\Web\WWWROOT\Mtn_Meadow_Ranch\horsea.jpg.vbs was infected with VBS.Plan.a worm, not a virus. Deleted. C:\Web\WWWROOT\Mtn_Meadow_Ranch\horseman(1).jpg.vbs was infected with VBS.Plan.a worm, not a virus. Deleted. C:\Web\WWWROOT\Mtn_Meadow_Ranch\running2 (1).JPG.vbs was infected with VBS.Plan.a worm, not a virus. Deleted. C:\Web\WWWROOT\Ricochet_Ranch\09.jpg.vbs was infected with VBS.Plan.a worm, not a virus. Deleted. C:\Web\WWWROOT\Ricochet_Ranch\01.jpg.vbs was infected with VBS.Plan.a worm, not a virus. Deleted. C:\Web\WWWROOT\Ricochet_Ranch\icybak.jpg.vbs was infected with VBS.Plan.a worm, not a virus. Deleted. C:\Web\butte.jpg.vbs was infected with VBS.Plan.a worm, not a virus. Deleted. C:\Web\running.JPG.vbs was infected with VBS.Plan.a worm, not a virus. Deleted. C:\Web\needles.jpg.vbs was infected with VBS.Plan.a worm, not a virus. Deleted. C:\Web\blutxtr1.jpg.vbs was infected with VBS.Plan.a worm, not a virus. Deleted.

Finished scanning: 5:10:24 PM, 11/20/2000 Number of files scanned: 24275. Number of files that could not be scanned: 8 Number of infections: 165 Number of infected files deleted: 165

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