Vanagon EuroVan
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VANAGON archives – August 2000, week 4

Table of contents:

  1. '85 Instrument Cluster

  2. '86 Syncro FS

  3. '86 Syncro FS - asking price reduced

  4. '86 up vanagon owners.....

  5. '86 up vanagon owners.....all please read, and post it to the list..

  6. '86 up vanagon owners.....all please read,and post it to the list..

  7. '87 Westy shudders at idle

  8. '88 Doublecab Transporter on eBay

  9. (no subject)

  10. 1.6 liter engine core

  11. 1.8T Motor for Vanagon

  12. 10% increase in HP? Yes, chemist says!

  13. 1981 Rabbit Convertible List?

  14. 2.1 engine longevity

  15. 22D ECU Chip Upgrade- Order Monday 28th 6:00 PM EST


  17. 50/50 water/coolant ratio

  18. 82 Diesel FS

  19. 83.5 gas tank removal

  20. 87 Vanagon parts FS

  21. 89 Temperature guage acting funky

  22. 90 Jetta ECU Digifant II for sale

  23. 90 Vanagon for sale > CHEAP

  24. 90 gl hear my plead!!

  25. 90A alternator on diesel Vanagon

  26. : Re: [Syncro] duel fuel, gas or LPG / propane

  27. <No subject>

  28. A/C Ducts Falling in 91 GL

  29. A/C, cold stall, digitool readings

  30. AC Belt - Is it needed?

  31. AC and cooling fan

  32. AC and window tint comments


  34. ASI Riviera info. Was Dominic

  35. ASI Water Woes

  36. ASI Wiring

  37. Advice on shipping a motor

  38. Airbrushing small paint flaws on my Vanagon?

  39. Aircooled bently manual

  40. Alloy Wheels for sale

  41. Alternator Light

  42. Anyone finished a Subaru SVX conversion?

  43. At long last protype waterbox bleeding, draining and purging installed and operating

  44. Automatic Trans with the engine shut off?

  45. Auxillary battery installation follow-up (long)

  46. Bad Cat???

  47. Bar's leak versus other fixes

  48. Bearing wear

  49. Best Vanagon mechanic on the West Coast?

  50. Best venting heater solution?

  51. Better Milage Anyone?

  52. Better Mileage Anyone? (without going ala Lilley)

  53. Better gas mileage without $$$$

  54. Bracket that the ECU mounts too wanted

  55. Brake Fluid Changing

  56. Bye for now!


  58. Campin' Happenin' in West Virginia, Aug 25-27?

  59. Canadian Tire Stuff - a Coupla Good Deals

  60. Captain's Chair Weight

  61. Car Camping near Mt St Helens (No Vanagon Content)

  62. Charcoal filter?

  63. Clutch Problems

  64. Clutch Problems / Brake Fluid Replacement

  65. Cold start feedback

  66. Coming down to the ECU order wire...Order going out Mon 28th

  67. Compression Test

  68. Connecting rod bolts

  69. Cooking on the Road

  70. Coolant Hoses

  71. Coolant change

  72. Coolant color?

  73. Correct oil filter?

  74. Cutting slots for Optima Battery?

  75. Diesel Fuel Hose

  76. Distilled water eats copper?

  77. Distilled water eats copper? SOME VANAGON

  78. Dominic

  79. E-code lights/SA grille

  80. E-code lights/SA grille/side step

  81. ECU Upgrade-chip ORDERED BUT it is not too LATE

  82. EGR valve on an 82

  83. Eastern New York FS

  84. Engine warm-up troubles

  85. Ethylene Glycol Facts

  86. Exide AGM /NO side posts

  87. F.S. Westfalia $1600 -- Sacramento, Calif.

  88. F/S Vanagon alternators



  91. FS 1960 Type I Sun roof No Vanagon Content

  92. FS Vans/Westies in Ottawa Canada

  93. FS: 1980 Vanagon Camper (Running, but needs clutch,gearbox,transmission) Price reduced

  94. FS: 86 Syncro Camper (not mine)

  95. FS: Complete dash mounted AC

  96. FS: Eberspächer B2 heater

  97. FW: 1988 Vanagon automatic FS

  98. FW: F.S. 1988

  99. FW: FW: TiiCo engine/Audi Engine

  100. FW: Help again!

  101. FW: Help!

  102. FW: Optima Battery Models

  103. FW: Radiator Fan woes [Westy Syncro '87], continued

  104. FW: TiiCo engine/Audi Engine

  105. FW: [DIESEL] 90A alternator on diesel Vanagon

  106. FW: [Syncro] CV Boots and crimp clamps

  107. FW: [pavanagon] Important tire saftey

  108. FW: auxillary low beams?

  109. FW: nomail

  110. FYI online stock parts counter

  111. Fan for ventilation - sunroof would be better

  112. Fiamma and Paulchen Bike Racks for Vanagons.

  113. For Sale

  114. Found the manual

  115. Found: alternative longer lugbolts

  116. Fuel pressure regulator question?

  117. Fuel tank filler tube blues

  118. Fuel tank leak -- help!

  119. Fw: Mexico listeees

  120. Fw: Mexico listeees/parles vous francais?

  121. Fw: Re: Tire Brand

  122. Fw: [VanagonSP] transformación a gas natural comprim ido

  123. Fwd: '86 up vanagon owners.....

  124. Fwd: '86 up vanagon owners.....all please read, and post it to the list..

  125. Fwd: 2.1L Engine Survey

  126. Fwd: Cooling Systems- Time for something different!

  127. Fwd: Re: Re; Rust Not Want Not

  128. Fwd: speedo cluster for sale

  129. HELP! Oxy & Batt lights

  130. Hall Sensor

  131. Help '88 Vanagon Broke down, need opinions

  132. Help unusual? bucking

  133. Help with archive searching: looking for driver/passenger window sc

  134. Help with archive searching: looking for driver/passenger window screens

  135. Home safely....

  136. How I Closed Down A Gas Station Today

  137. How an oil gauge can save your engine-was how to throw a rod

  138. How to Connect Trailer Lights

  139. How to install 90A alt. on Vanagon diesel

  140. How to remove pushrod tube shield??

  141. Hydrophilia, or how I stopped worrying and learned to love distilled water

  142. I did it

  143. ISO spedometer hub clip

  144. Idle / Plugs / Thanks!

  145. If you remove the air conditioner...

  146. Important tire saftey

  147. Instrument Cluster

  148. Is GEX Reputable

  149. Is GEX Reputable...??

  150. Is there a trick to searching the archives?

  151. Jump out the starter solonoid to eliminate the ignition circuit...

  152. Just a click on turning ignition key

  153. Just as I pulled in the driveway, the Alternator light came on....

  154. LT 28D westy - Cold/Hot Showers

  155. Landmark

  156. Last call: 22D ECU Chip Upgrade- Order Monday 28th 6:00 PM EST

  157. List Forwarding

  158. List Server software upgrade!

  159. List offline Sunday night for upgrades

  160. Listserve software...

  161. Looking for a Manual GL Tranny

  162. Looking for an owners manual

  163. MY "NEW" 81 ASI Riviera!!

  164. Mexico listeees

  165. Midlife Crisis-NonVanagon-WhoCares-I Love this List

  166. More on rods and bolts

  167. More on rods and bolts/2.1 in '83.5-'85

  168. Napa does not make cooling hoses

  169. Need Help On Flushing Cooling System

  170. Need Racks/Shelves for Fridge

  171. Need aircooled part ASAP

  172. Need help with reverse light problem

  173. New turbo Beetle engine conversion spotted!

  174. Newbbie says Hello & is looking for a Vanagon

  175. No Cost Power Upgrade???

  176. OIl Pressure

  177. Oh no, not tires again!

  178. Oil Pressure Warning Buzzer

  179. Oil coolers

  180. On Crossing Your T's

  181. One more question?

  182. Open Letter to GEX

  183. Optima Battery Models


  185. PCV valve?

  186. Painting Pop-Top/ The Only Way

  187. Parting out 88 GL

  188. Perils of Pauline

  189. Philly Folk Festival

  190. Phx to Escondido to Pomona to Phx?

  191. Place to park in Indianapolis

  192. Plea for help (no Vanagon content)

  193. Power Steering Noise '87 Syncro

  194. Power steering noise

  195. Premature Clutch Failure?

  196. Propane Tank (87Camper) Question

  197. Proper filling of coolant

  198. RE; 86 Owners Manual

  199. RE; Better mileage Anyone ?

  200. RE; Better mileage, Yada, Yada, Yada.

  201. Radiator Fan woes [Westy Syncro '87], continued

  202. Radio Wiring Help needed

  203. Rain-X

  204. Rain-x eats black rubber

  205. Re Help unusual? bucking

  206. Re; Air brushng etc.

  207. Re; Help Again

  208. Re; Paint for westy roof

  209. Re; Power steering noise

  210. Re; Rust Not Want Not

  211. Refueling Not Smoothe Sailing

  212. Richard Cole

  213. Rust not want not

  214. Sealed Battery

  215. Shifting question.

  216. Side Tents for $399!

  217. Simple Question about trailer wiring

  218. Some questions...on a diesel engine in a vanagon

  219. Speedometer has started failing intermittently. Where to start troubleshooting?

  220. Stereo imaging

  221. Stickers

  222. Still running rich, now what

  223. Subject: Westy Cookware

  224. Sunday help needed

  225. Thanks!

  226. The Latest on My bal Ligation

  227. The following have confirmed buying the ECU Upgrade Chips. Do you need to be on the list?

  228. The road salt in Vermont is very impressive

  229. Thieves like the poor will always be with us...

  230. Thinking about adding Ratio rockers, checkout Pauter's Rolle...

  231. Thinking about adding Ratio rockers, checkout Pauter's Roller tip rockers...

  232. Tii Engine Conversion

  233. TiiCo engine

  234. TiiCo engine vs. Eurospec

  235. TiiCo engine vs. Eurospec: resonance

  236. TiiCo engine/Audi Engine

  237. Time to hit the road

  238. Tire Availability

  239. Tire Brand

  240. Tires

  241. Toronto Repair Shop Question

  242. Towing With a Vanagon

  243. Transporter

  244. Travel to Boston

  245. Tune-up Question?

  246. VW Birth Certificates: Post was:Richard Cole

  247. Vanagon Mudflaps are Back! $94 for all 4!

  248. Vanagon Parts For Sale

  249. Vanagon in a hot climate

  250. VanagonStickers/PayPal funds...

  251. Vanagons at High Altitudes

  252. Vanagons in hot climates

  253. Vanagons in hot climates/tint laws/police

  254. WTB Driver's door pocket

  255. WTB Good 2.1l Vanagon Engine

  256. WTB: late model ECU

  257. Wanted

  258. Wanted Volkswagen License Plate?

  259. Water Wetter by Redline

  260. Water tank for Vanagon

  261. Westy Cookware

  262. Westy Cookware (non vw info on water)

  263. Westy Mods

  264. Westy and owners manual

  265. Westy side door screen installation

  266. Westy upper bunk foam?

  267. Wheels

  268. Where can I get a new/used propane fill valve?

  269. Where is the rear windshield switch?

  270. Where to get Jetta stuff

  271. Window tint and UV protection

  272. Window washing

  273. Windshield washing mess.

  274. [Fwd: 1991 syncro for sale]

  275. [Syncro] duel fuel, gas or LPG/propane

  276. a.c. unit for sale

  277. a/c cooling fan

  278. auxillary low beams?

  279. awning + screen room

  280. battery draining

  281. battery light

  282. battery light help

  283. cat bad????

  284. cooling hoses

  285. distilled water ?bad

  286. distilled water grabs free ions like crazy

  287. dribble dribble

  288. driver's door pocket... Where to buy? Any 3rd party pocket available?

  289. flicker of Battery and O2 lights

  290. fs: 82 Diesel Westfalia - Red Deer, AB

  291. gas mileage tanks....

  292. gerry funds

  293. hall sender & cold start & tempII

  294. high altitude vdub

  295. idle question 86 syncro

  296. im selling my 84 vanagon westfalia

  297. installing oil pressure gauge

  298. lifter problem...

  299. lifters

  300. lighted rocker switches/which side of the road?

  301. more info on '87 Westy

  302. my 'new' VW

  303. one more, I promise...

  304. original keys

  305. parts cross reference (251 411 039)&(251 411 043)

  306. photosynthetic bead site

  307. please help

  308. pot!

  309. propane fill

  310. rear hatch curtain rods and mystery items

  311. removing bolts

  312. slick50

  313. speedo cluster for sale

  314. squeek, squeek, dribble dribble

  315. trip report

  316. upper bunk foam

  317. urban camping in sf

  318. vanagon Digest - 21 Aug 2000 - Special issue

  319. vented vs not vented batteries

  320. wanted: 90 westy upper-bunk fwd panel and hinges

  321. wanted: 90 westy upper-bunk fwd panel and hinges--Got It--Tnx

  322. was: Found: alternative longer lugbolts

  323. weekender 85 Fs...

  324. westy cookware

  325. what is with the plug

  326. which side of the road?

  327. window screens and curtain question

  328. windshield washing mess ?

  329. wiper switch and windows

  330. wiper switch/ sliding windows

  331. wireless communication SOME-VANAGON

  332. wireless communicationNONVANAGON???
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Any profits from list compilations go exclusively towards the management and operation of the Vanagon mailing list and vanagon mailing list web site.