Vanagon EuroVan
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VANAGON archives – March 2000, week 4

Table of contents:

  1. '84 floods, won't start

  2. '87 Jetta: No Vanagon Content

  3. '90 Carat: Thanks for cut out suggestions

  4. '90 Vanagon Carat "cut out" problem

  5. '90 Vanagon Jump Seats

  6. '90 Vanagon Jump Seats and Rear Bench/Bed

  7. '99 up Jettas 4 or 5 lug now? anyone know??

  8. 112HP @ 4800RPM on a stock WBX?

  9. 16" Mercedes wheels

  10. 1997 TDI Turbo Diesel for sale

  11. 2.1 Wasserboxer and Parts FS (Used in WV)

  12. 72-74, 79-83 Exhaust system notes (catless)

  13. 84 Vanagon for SALE!!!!!

  14. 89 westy trans maint

  15. 91 Carat Wolfsburg

  16. 91 Vanagon For Sale

  17. <No subject>

  18. <no subject>

  19. ??Low power after 90 freeway miles??

  20. A Great Idea!!!

  21. A Proposal, "Top of the World, 2000"

  22. Accident problems - melted wiring?

  23. Alrighty Folks: here's a shot in the dark!

  24. Also Paulchen racks and Carver P4 heaters!

  25. Antifreeze Sauna

  26. Any Westies FS in MD or Northern VA?

  27. Any advice

  28. Auto Tranny Noise

  29. Awning Advice Please?

  30. Axle shaft repairs

  31. Bentley manuals in Canada - cheap!

  32. Bosch Platinum Spark Plugs on sale at Canadian Tire - NO Vanagon Content

  33. Brakes!!!!!!

  34. Busses by the Barrel, or Vanagons visit Viticulture

  35. Busses by the Trail 3 is on for October

  36. Cabrio Commercial--No vanagon, but good CD content

  37. Captains Chairs in my Westy

  38. Carpet removal after antifreeze leak

  39. Cdn Tire Mufflers

  40. Cdn Tire Mufflers....

  41. Clutch dripped away???

  42. Command confirmation request Good BYE.

  43. Complete Idiots Guide Books

  44. Complete lock set $75

  45. Considering parting out an 86 Syncro Westy

  46. Consumer Reports - 3/98 - touring/performance tire reviews

  47. Conversion References

  48. Cooling System Mystery & Many Thanks

  49. Costa Rican adventure!

  50. Cow mooing - Long shot mooing cause

  51. Cow mooing in wasserboxer

  52. Cylinder head question

  53. David Marshal. Why did this mod increase my fuel economy?

  54. Delaware boneyard

  55. Diesel fuel tank Qs

  56. Do-it-yourself conversion of air conditioning to 134a questio n

  57. Do-it-yourself conversion of air conditioning to 134a question

  58. Does Fridge on 120v make any noise???

  59. Downsizing?

  60. Engine stops running at red lights

  61. Epages?

  62. Euro Ring & Pinions For Syncro Available

  63. Exhaust rattle- still haven't had any responses from the volkswizards

  64. Exhaust rattle- still haven't had any responses from thevolkswizards

  65. FS 2500cc Alcohol Injected Turbo VW Motor (eBay)

  66. FS 90 gl weekender and 82 westy

  67. FS BFG 27x8.50 tires and steel wheels

  68. FS jumpseat Bracket was RE. rear facing jump seat pictures

  69. FS: '81 7pass w/factory full sunroof, Napa, CA

  70. FS: 1984 Vanagon - very good condition

  71. FS: 2000 EV tuscaloosa, al ... dealer, brand new. $24,700

  72. FS: 88 Vanagon GL in Rochester NY - $4K

  73. FS: 90 Multivan $5700obo

  74. FS: ECU's

  75. FW: FW: [syncronized] Vanagon Syncro for sale.

  76. FW: Obituary for Major Hurst

  77. FW: Optima Batteries

  78. FW: [syncronized] Vanagon Syncro for sale.

  79. FWD: Window Vents

  80. Factory tacho swap

  81. Fiamma Bike Racks

  82. Fiberglass top restoration

  83. Filler pipe coatings?

  84. Finally - a good solution to the Shreddy Cord Seats

  85. Fire Extinguishers

  86. Fuel expansion line Q. Which side is longer?

  87. Fuse Size for Headlights

  88. Fw: Cdn Tire Mufflers....

  89. Fw: Major Ivan Hurst

  90. Fw: Oh no I think this is the end ....

  91. Fwd: (Roof racks)

  92. Fwd: VW Parts CD

  93. Fwd: shocks

  94. GERMAN mufflers $99

  95. GL, was:Re: the weekender saga again

  96. German car modifiers-how to contact

  97. German car modifiers-how to contact?

  98. Heads/Cylinders somewhat naive question!!!

  99. Help! with misfire on 81 Westy

  100. Hot Stereo!!!

  101. How many , Have installed Optima as Aux Battery in Westy's?

  102. How to remove Oil fill tube?

  103. Hydaulic lifter bleeding

  104. I'm doomed, I'm doomed!!!

  105. Idiot Book

  106. Installing 2nd battery

  107. Interference problem where exhaust passes over engine bracket (84 wasser)

  108. Intermittent wiper relay

  109. It helps to have a thick skin . . .

  110. Judge sides with Volkswagen in Net name lawsuit

  111. Jump Seats, More Jump Seats

  112. Ken removes sticker page

  113. Know anything VW and/or Vanagon related in Hongkong?

  114. LOL look at this!!!!!... :<) (NVC)

  115. Leaking antifreeze from under rear passenger seat

  116. Lost info

  117. Luggage Rack Noise

  118. Luggage rack noies survey

  119. Luggage rack noise survey

  120. MSN Community Idea

  121. MSN site good choice for contest!

  122. Moo sound from vanagon

  123. Motor Mount Bolts

  124. Mudflaps

  125. Mudflaps (f)

  126. Need HELP! please - tracking down a relay part number

  127. Need digitool website address

  128. New member introduction and request for information

  129. Newbie question: Is this a good deal?

  130. No Vanagon content

  131. No Vanagon content (2)

  132. No bus content:Cabrio TV commercial music?

  133. Not voting for stickers

  134. Not voting for stickers / New Hampshire Westy sighting

  135. Oh no I think this is the end ....

  136. Oil in air intake

  137. Oil pressure wire rubbed bare?

  138. Oil temp gauge

  139. Optima Batteries

  140. Ordered an I-opener tonight! (little van content)

  141. Ordered an I-opener tonight! (low van content)

  142. Ordered an I-opener tonight! (van content)

  143. Orphan Wire Needs Help

  144. Oxidized pop-top on my '90 Westy Multivan

  145. Parts for Sale

  146. Platinum Cat heater

  147. Pop top bed

  148. Port-a-Potty

  149. Port-a-Potty and towing

  150. Power steering loosing power - '86 Syncro

  151. Projektzwo website problem

  152. Questions Re: Vanagon Stiker Vote Results & New Page


  154. RM182A vs RM182B

  155. Re; Vanagons for Sale

  156. Rear Hatch Struts - 1987

  157. Rear facing seats (R = L ?)

  158. Rear-facing seats and seat belts

  159. Repeats

  160. Replace a differential?

  161. Replacement Jack

  162. Request for info

  163. Restoring Poptop Color

  164. Reverse Lights

  165. Roof Racks

  166. Rust convertor stuff on Exhaust pipes?

  167. SF bay area Syncro expert?

  168. STEBRO SS Muffler News

  169. STEBRO/Vanagon SS pipes update

  170. STICKERS! Once and for All!!!

  171. Salvage Value, totalled Westy?

  172. Screeching noise (distributor)...

  173. Shifter resistance?

  174. Sighting - Rare Eurovan Camper?

  175. Sliding door screens comparison?

  176. Speed readouts on different GPS models.

  177. Spoiler /f

  178. Sportsmobile

  179. Square Headlight/Relay

  180. Stickers

  181. Sticking Starter Solenoid?

  182. Strange Noise from fuse box

  183. Subaru conversion

  184. Suggestions on how to fasten a laptop while driving?

  185. Sunroof leakng and won't quite close

  186. Syncro FS

  187. Syncro Parts Book

  188. Syncro upgrade?

  189. The Extra Battery

  190. The Venerable VW Van

  191. Thermostat problem??

  192. Thule roof rack

  193. Tips on fixing Head gaskets with JBWeld

  194. Tips on running Speaker Wire to the Back speakers of a 86 Westy?

  195. Tips on running Speaker Wire to the Back speakers of a 86Westy?

  196. Tips on running Speaker Wire to the Back speakers of a86Westy?

  197. Tire protectant

  198. Transmission codes (if anyone cares)

  199. Trevor, Brent, KEN?

  200. Trottle Body Replacement

  201. Tweeting in the Motor! (Solved)

  202. Urgent: need Subaru speed sensor info

  203. VR6 engine in a junkyard

  204. VW Parts CD

  205. VW Vanagon Westfalia Synchro(sic) Weekender (eBay #285437247)

  206. VW do Brazil parts CD for trade

  207. VW recycling(JUNK) yards

  208. VW wins trademark suit

  209. Vanagon Front Suspension?

  210. Vanagon Jump Seats

  211. Vanagon Sticker Vote Results & New Page

  212. Vanagon Stiker Vote Results & New Page

  213. Vanagon Transmission swap

  214. Vanagon and Transporter names

  215. Vanagon in Australia?

  216. Vanagon structure

  217. Vanagons For Sale

  218. WANTED: Honeycomb Style Wheel cover for 83.5 Vanagon L

  219. WAS Re: Vanagon Sticker Vote Results & New Page

  220. WHERE'S THE TURNOUT??? voting

  221. WTB syncro tranny core

  222. WTB: Westie SEA/PDX are

  223. WTB: Westie SEA/PDX area

  224. WTB: Westy Sycro

  225. Wanted to buy: Revell Plastic Vanagon

  226. Wanted: Subie conversion bits

  227. Was: Optima Batteries, now hydrogen

  228. Water leak from faucet

  229. Wesipes

  230. Western PA

  231. Westie SEA/PDX area

  232. Westy FS [Washington POST]

  233. Westy Syncro

  234. What append with your e-mail

  235. What to use for "wallpaper glue"

  236. What? Not Air Conditioning?!?

  237. White Syncro in Chicago.

  238. Why did this mod increase my fuel economy?

  239. Wind/Rain Deflectors, gray water tanks,

  240. Windows and rust

  241. Windshield Gasket Glue

  242. Windshield wiper modification

  243. Zip Ties Everywhere

  244. Zip Ties Everywhere (& heater hose in place of coolant pipes results)

  245. [Not voting for stickers]

  246. [Re: 90 Vanagon Jump Seats and Rear Bench/Bed]

  247. [Re: Antifreeze Sauna]

  248. [Re: Exhaust rattle- still havent had any responses from thevolkswizards]

  249. [Roof Racks- my surco and a 1/4 for sale]

  250. [Syncro] Strange Noise from fuse box

  251. [Syncro] new brakes grind in tight turns when backing up

  252. [heater hose in place of coolant pipes]

  253. [window screens]

  254. a black pluger knob next to pump faucet???

  255. advice on 80-83.5 engine convrsn?

  256. anyone got screwed? (NVC, NAC)

  257. asking for travel tips

  258. austrailian laws

  259. bumper

  260. bumper mounts response

  261. carpets, horns, tanks

  262. creaking noise

  263. door pocket in my '90 Westy Multivan

  264. fly wheel distortion?

  265. fridge door on ebay

  266. head gasket sealing

  267. head gaskets

  268. hydraulic valve lifter clearance

  269. identifying some parts, 80 Westy

  270. jacks

  271. lifter noise

  272. more specifically....

  273. mudflap

  274. need bad ECU/wire harness for 81

  275. need help fixing aftermarket cruise

  276. new brakes grind in tight turns when backing up

  277. new shocks > need to align?

  278. oil pressure and 5-30 synthetic oil

  279. oil pressure wire

  280. passat wheels

  281. poor running :-(

  282. re. rear facing jump seat pictures

  283. removal from list

  284. revive sticker contest?

  285. shocks

  286. shocks, where to buy billys

  287. shopping list..............

  288. someone was looking for a bus jack ...

  289. stebro muffler

  290. subaru conversion info

  291. the bumper... need parts

  292. the weekender saga again

  293. tire sizes "*&%#@"

  294. unsubscribe me

  295. vanagon Digest - 27 Mar 2000 to 28 Mar 2000 - Special issue

  296. wanted: complete oem or aftermarket cruise

  297. wanted:vanagon,body only or with engine(New England)

  298. was: Optima Batteries, now lifetime batteries

  299. water pump tweeting solution

  300. waterboxer fire rings

  301. welding references in Seattle

  302. whatever happened to Euro-American RV?????

  303. wheelbase size

  304. wheelbase size should be track

  305. wolfsburg emblem
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